beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
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TAG WITH @desiree
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2023 8:49:53 GMT

Tipping her heart-shaped sunglasses forward toward the small cluster of paparazzi outside the Mauville City Gym, which had been waiting on her arrival since her post on Instagram about her upcoming challenge, Desiree would advance alongside Beanbean toward the entrance. They would shout towards her to pose, but striding in with confidence was enough; the Arcanine followed suit with his trainer, his heart-adorned saddle shimmering under the sunlight. Not only was it the idol's first time visiting the indoor city that had taken inspiration from her home region, but it was her first time challenging a gym- ever. She was going in with a confident yet open mind about it all, and with all the practice she'd got over the last few weeks to gear up for the challenge with Beanbean, her eyes were set on testing her capabilities.[break][break]

Unlike her somewhat unsuccessful attempt of aquatic riding with , the pinkette was much more versed in the arts of riding saddleback in the air and on the ground. When the wind was too rough to ride on the back of her Tropius, which she had been riding for a full decade, the Arcanine was always the answer; and he was much faster, an experienced lil' guy. He was able to keep up with the pack of puppers on the search for any clues, tracks, or remnants of the alleged legendary Galarian dogs spotted around Fortree, and some of those doggos were fast-fast.[break][break]

Having filled out the paperwork with ease, now all Desiree and her fire-type doggo had to do was wait for further direction. She was filled with excitement and a subtle flame of confidence lurking under her well-kept and designer outward expression. Though the tiniest fear of utter failure on camera was a bit intimidating, she'd try to live in the moment, not thinking of what the fans wanted to see her achieve. She wanted this for herself, to see just how far she'd come with her decade of overland and aerial riding. "Now Beanbean, remember what I told you on the pokejob? ♡ About envisioning all the treats in the world in front of you to keep up with the other puppies," she'd stroke the Arcanine's mane, giving him all the love he wished for, ".. you do that, and I'll give you double the treats I gave you last time when we get home~! ♡"[break][break]

But Desiree was aware that this wasn't going to be a fly around the concert hall singing or a run down the countryside, this would be a race, and those decades of experience could only go so far in a manmade obstacle arena. Manifesting luck and synchronicity to be on her side, just as she did before every edm performance of hers, she'd patiently wait to hear her name. As for Beanbean? He was wagging his tail faster than ever as he'd rub up on her lap, just as eager to ride as he was for those promised treats.



- Her outfit is giving... edm superstar meets pink and white cowgirl, chaps included. Matches the heart designs on Beanbean's saddle! Move information in hover on Arcanine's image below.



[newclass=".gunstest3"]--accent:#FF6699;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2023 17:28:24 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar

MAUVILLE CITY | Corkscrew | Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆☆
COURSE RECORD: 03'52"227


Mauville Racing Grounds' facility was enormous indeed; while the office space had little signage due to its size being on the smaller side, the property where the action took place, just outside the city proper, was enormous. Luckily, Josh had experienced staff who knew the facility well, and signage that could guide challengers to the correct location. The voice of ANDREW WEISS, Josh's scheduler, echoed over the Gym's loudspeakers:

"Challenger , please report to Sector 1. Challenger Blooms, to Sector 1. Thank you!"

Provided the challenger found ample signage, he would see the brash and tall ACE SHEEKE, already seated on Craggro the Hisuian Arcanine; the timid and short ERON IUNIS, on Rani the female Pyroar, and the reserved ARAVAN ESCHER, holding the steering bones of Jody the Shiny Cyzlizar. Lastly, she would see the Gym Leader , making adjustments to the saddle strapped to Braver, a hulking Arcanine that looked almost uncomfortably large to sit on. "Desiree? I don't think we've met in person yet, but I've heard of you from some of my friends! Welcome to Mauville Racing Grounds," Josh greeted his challenger. "I'm excited to see you handle Surface Slide, as it's traditionally a real hurdle for beginning racers to handle!" The three Gym Trainers introduced themselves and Josh's Pokémon they were borrowing, one by one.

There was a light breeze out of the north, though it wouldn't affect Pokémon too much. A small crowd filled the bottom several rows of mostly empty stands on both sides of Sector 1's SURFACE SLIDE course. While it had a lot of long straightaways, it also had a lot of long curves, some of which were greater than 360 degrees. Navigating those without slowing down would be a huge test of stamina for all the Pokémon participating.

Josh went over the rules of the challenge, required by Hoenn League statute. "See that arch near the starting line, with the long and skinny monitor on it? We line up behind that, and the countdown will be on that display. It will sound four horns and display '3, 2, 1, GO'. On 'GO', our Pokémon will start running. Pokémon are not allowed to use moves like Quick Attack or Extreme Speed on the first lap. After the first lap, though, use them as much as your Pokémon can handle! Beat me to the finish line after three laps, or otherwise prove to me you can handle the pressure of split second decision making, and the Hoenn League Quick Badge is yours."

Once he had finished explaining the rules, Josh hopped aboard his Arcanine, the Gym Leader firmly holding the giant dog's reins. "Arcanine are some of the fastest Pokémon on land. You asked for it - better hold on tight!" Josh bragged as he slammed his helmet's visor down. If Desiree were to glance toward him, she would see a laser focused expression, almost like he was in a zen state as he held Braver's reins in anticipation of the green light.


You will have 8 ranks to distribute among three skills. No more than 5 ranks can be assigned to any one skill.
  • SPEED: This represents how fast your Pokémon can travel. Each rank of Speed adds 10 to all your rolls, and an additional 10 to rolls on Speed-based Obstacles.
  • ENDURANCE: This represents how well a Pokémon can navigate difficult terrain, and affects how often a Pokémon can use its Boost during a race. Your Pokémon can use its Boost a number of times equal to its number of ranks in Endurance (min. 1). Each rank of Endurance reduces the Target Number of Endurance-based Obstacles by 20.
  • REACTION: This represents a Pokémon’s cornering ability. Each rank of Reaction reduces the Target Number of Reaction-based Obstacles by 20.

In the OOC notes of your next post, please note your Pokémon's distribution of skills.

You do not need to roll after your next post, but you will need to [ roll ] twice at the end of every post mid-challenge. This roll will be modified according to your Pokémon's skill ranks.

Example: If a player rolls a 60 on a post involving running down a straightaway as fast as possible atop a Pokémon with four ranks in Speed, their effective roll will be 140.

The Leader's next post will include a "mod post" that depicts the course's first Obstacle: a prompt that presents a challenge for the racers to overcome. Each Obstacle will include the following information:

Target Number: This is the number the racers need to roll at or above to overcome the Obstacle without penalty. While it is uncommon, an Obstacle can have multiple Target Numbers.

Intended Skill: This is the Skill that will apply to the Obstacle. It can be Speed, Endurance, or Reaction.

Example Obstacle: The track starts out with a bang--a sharp, 135-degree left turn mere tens of meters from the starting line. The width of the turn itself makes recovering from a misjudged angle easier, but the track quickly narrows up again afterward. A guardrail on the outside keeps Pokémon from sliding off the course, but there is no such guardrail on the inside, and there’s a shallow stream that looks time-consuming for non-Water Pokémon to climb out of!

Target Number: 105 (Reaction)
After the players make their rolls, the Target Number is deducted from the player's roll, and the difference becomes the player's Track Points (TP) for the round. 100 TP corresponds to roughly one second of time differential. The race will consist of three laps, with three Obstacles per lap. After the ninth Obstacle, total Track Points will determine finishing order. The QUICK BADGE is awarded if at least one of the following conditions are met:

1) The challenger finishes the race in 1st or 2nd place.
2) The challenger finishes the race ahead of the Gym Leader.
3) The challenger otherwise demonstrates their mastery of the tenets of Mauville Gym, at the Leader's discretion.

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✧ september 23 ✧
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✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
740 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2023 0:24:06 GMT

After hearing the loudspeaker announce her anticipated arrival in sector one, Desiree would begin her trek in the facility alongside Beanbean; they were both excited beyond measure, but the Arcanine couldn't stop trotting in delight for what was yet to come. Not knowing what to expect at first, as they would walk the pinkette held onto the side of his saddle, proceeding to the desired location. The signage was extra helpful in helping her find her destination, which proved to be not that far into the rest.[break][break]

Beanbean almost couldn't control himself when he saw the rival Arcanines and the others, but he knew with the help of his trainer's guidance that this was an upcoming race and not an upcoming playdate. It was precious; his tail would wag nonstop when they neared closer to the grounds, Desiree waving while holding onto his saddle to encourage him to stay in her immediate grasp, Beanbean yipping in joy. "Hi~! ♡ It's great to meet you, thanks for the warm welcome," she'd smile, twirling a strand of hair between her acrylics, ".. Mauville City is so beautiful, I'm excited to race somewhere that feels so close to Kalos! Beanbean here is pumped too- thank you for allowing us to test our bond with this opportunity ♡." [break][break]

Warmth in her words, Desiree would smile as each of the other racers would introduce themselves; but the star of the show was the Arcanine attempting to shake, a little trick that his trainer had taught him a long while ago. Ruffling his fur and giggling, she'd listen attentively to the rules of the track and the ways to victory. Appearing established and confident, Josh certainly was the one to beat- and she was sure that he was more than qualified for this gym and the title of one of the best riders in the region. She recalled hearing his name in many places, including from her beachside riding adventure with Shalin; just how close of friends were they?[break][break]

Climbing onto his heart-adorned saddle, Beanbean would rub his fluff of fur on the side of Desiree in response, expressing comfort. "Got it, it's gonna be so much fun~! ♡ Don't hold back, we've gotta give the audience an amazing show," Confidence boomed from under her cowboy hat of rose and white, looking to the audience for a moment while the Arcanine adjusted to his launch spot. Stroking the mane of the pupper before they would launch off, her hands would grip the reins of the saddle with a bit more of a reinforced hold than she had on the Greninja those weeks ago, ready to ride. The speed of the fire-type species was a familiar feeling for her, but not in front of an audience.[break][break]

Josh seemed like he was in his zone, which was oddly a bit comforting to any anxieties that attempted to creep into Desiree's mind; if he was comfortable, she felt like there was nothing to fear. Anticipating the green light with her grip, she'd lower down to Beanbean and begin to whisper. "Remember the treats, Beanbean~! You've got this."






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[newclass=".gunstest3 .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.2px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".gunstest3 .credit"]width:100px;background-color:#232323;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2023 17:54:14 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar

Desiree's and Beanbean's smiles were just as contagious as her enthusiasm. "The Pokémon Racing Federation has divisions throughout the world now. I'm sure that if there isn't one in Kalos already, one will catch on soon enough," Josh replied. "That's the secret of being a good racer, and a good trainer at that. Your bond must be close enough for the two of you to ride as one." The gallery wad filled with primarily Josh's fans, but there were quite a few Desiree fans in the seats as well.

Once the five were lined up, three images of the legendary Pokémon Raikou at full gallop appeared on the banner monitor above the starting arch. Behind them was a "GET READY" prompt, Josh and his Gym Trainers tensing their legs in anticipation. The first of the three images began to fade away, with it sounding a loud squawk as a simultaneous aural warning that the race was about to begin. A second, then a third followed. When the final image of Raikou disappeared, the prompt changed to a green "GO" alongside a longer and higher-pitched squawk. Josh squeezed Braver's sides hard a split second later, the Arcanine breaking into a run whose immense momentum made him glad he had a cocoon saddle for the hulking fire-type.


After each posting round, a prompt describing the upcoming section of the track will be posted. These prompts may highlight different sections of the course on each lap. You will react to the prompt, then [ roll ] twice. For the first lap, the Leader's rolls will be capped at 130 before modifiers.


Prompt: The course starts out with a lazy U-turn over a wide angle. It's not sharp, but Pokémon with poor handling capabilities would have difficulty holding the long, uphill turn. The difficult part of the opening is below; about fifty feet down was the next part of the track, and it has a very narrow landing zone. There is only room for about three Pokémon to run alongside each other at the bottom.

Target Number: 115 (Reaction)

Special: A Pokémon that rolls beneath the Target Number by more than 30 will instead result in a loss of 150 TP from the Pokémon landing out of bounds and suffering an OFF COURSE penalty. If that Pokémon is controlled by a NPC Gym Trainer, it is ELIMINATED FROM THE RACE instead.

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✧ september 23 ✧
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✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
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TAG WITH @desiree
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2023 3:57:00 GMT

The squawking down acquainted with the visuals on the screen played to the rhythm of the beginning of her song 'IN THE RAIN' in her mind, setting the note of this special occasion. Looking up to the fans for a split second during the countdown and then focusing her eyes in front of her, the grip Desiree had on the reins of Beanbean's saddle tightened to what she'd need for a quick-paced ride. "Think of the Kalosian mountains around Anistar Beanbean, good luck~! ♡" Adjusting her body as if she were somewhat leaning towards the Arcanine's face, determination and focus would echo within her mind like a migraine, bracing for the exhibition of the skill she had partaken in prior to her music career.[break][break]

As soon as the highest-pitched squawk echoed throughout the arena, Desiree and Beanbean were off, marked by the tightening around his stomach and the flick of the reins. Noticing the other riders begin their race with otherworldly determination, she would follow suit in addition to the Arcanine, charging beside them into the beginning zone of the race. When she had approached the starting line of the track moments earlier she'd noticed how there was a turn ahead, but there was no telling what resided behind it; hitting the turn with too much speed would nail Beanbean into the side and straight off course, the need to take it a bit easier was certainly there.[break][break]

"Take the turn light, lovey~! Prepare for anything ♡~!" A serious demeanor wrapped in pink ribbon would be present in her words as the two would feel the track begin to expand uphill, braving the ride. Pretending as if there was a line of video game candies in front of his vision, like Pacman, Beanbean would hold open his maw ever so slightly as if he were eating them in the mountains. Even if they weren't real, they were definitely a motivation bringer.[break][break]

At the end of the turn there seemed to be a drop in the manmade terrain, causing eagerness to pulsate through Beanbean's veins- he wished to be at the head of the pack, as did his rider. A drop like this was just like the terrain back in the mountains after a landslide, perhaps nostalgic, perhaps skill-gaining. Firmly holding onto the reins and giving them a snap, Beanbean would paint the picture of a cowgirl in a western movie on the back of her horse with his vault, feeling the winds of speed coursing through his fur.







[newclass=".desikiss"]--accent:#ff9ebe;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
[newclass=".desikiss b"]color:var(--accent);font:bold 14px Roboto;letter-spacing:.1px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".desikiss .credit"]width:100px;background-color:#232323;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".desikiss .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]·
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2023 2:02:08 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Just because Josh and Desiree had become good friends outside the Gym circuit didn't mean he was going to go easy on her; if anything, it motivated the Master of Faster to try all the harder. From the starting horn, Josh squeezed his Arcanine's sides. While the hulking dog was slow to get up to speed, once he got the momentum going, it was going to be hard to catch him, especially on boost laps. Provided Desiree showed her skills with Beanbean, Josh would be more than comfortable yielding the early lead to her.

As the big drop came, the narrow track beneath them looking far skinnier than it actually was at fifty feet above, he took a different approach. Rather than pulsing the Arcanine's reins harshly into his halters, Josh simply let the Pokémon run off the edge, giving him a better chance to dodge traffic landing ahead of and behind him. The last thing he wanted to be part of was a pile-up mere seconds into the race!


The decision challenger made to hold her ARCANINE back from the hotly-contested opening turn wound up saving her bacon on the course's difficult opening turn, giving them the entire width of the track while the PYROAR, SHINY CYCLIZAR, and other two ARCANINE went four wide down the shallow but long left turn. All four of the swift Pokémon engaged in a giant game of chicken, not wanting to give up their spot and drop to fourth place.

With powerful leaps, the three Pokémon in front of sailed into the air, the ARCANINE choosing to run off the ledge instead. This decision, though it slowed him down, would prove to save him. The CYCLIZAR and PYROAR touched down on the narrow strip below, ARAVAN ESCHER's right leg grazing the right foam wall and sapping just enough speed for ERON IUNIS to take the early lead.

As and found themselves neck and neck barreling down the narrow straightaway, sand splashed all around them from their left: a sign that the HISUIAN ARCANINE ridden by ACE SHEEKE had landed out of bounds after the jump. Though they were ELIMINATED FROM THE RACE as a result, the duo insisted on finishing the course. Provided they stayed a set pace behind the fourth-place team, the officials ultimately agreed to accommodate the request.

And then there were four.


Prompt: After a long but narrow straightaway, the course slowly rises in elevation, testing the riders' ability to hold a long, uphill right turn. This wasn't the most stamina-intensive turn, but it would set the stage for what they would have to do toward the backstretch. The real test of the teams' skill was when the course stopped rising. There was an almost whiplash-inducing curve just after the two emerged from a short tunnel: a semi-blind U-turn to the right, followed by a second one back to the left. Full right-rein followed by full left-rein tugs might alone be enough for slower Pokémon, but for faster Pokémon, some braking may be needed.

Target Number: 130 (Reaction)

Special: None

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✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
740 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2023 20:54:46 GMT

The vault into the air caused her lil' pink cowgirl hat to fly off of her head, glistening strings keeping it from flying off onto the course; it would bob on the back of her neck as she'd ride, feeling the high-speed winds to their utmost effect. Though the jump was the tiniest bit risky, most of the other riders had done the same, other than the rival Arcanine. While they were in the air, Desiree held onto the reins and braced herself for the impact of landing.. but it appeared as if the Hisuian variant had ended up out of bounds for that split second of sight around her, lowering the count to four.[break][break]

Flowing down the straightaway like a dam that had just been unclogged after the slope downwards, the pinkette found herself right next to , glancing at him momentarily with golden determination in her eyes amidst the sandy smog. Even if she and Beanbean were in last place for the moment, she manifested that it would not be the end-all of the test of their bond. If anything, it would be a bit of a blessing; she was still familiarizing herself with the layout of the track since it was the first lap and all, and if she was behind the others, she'd be able to get a taste of what was yet to come. Letting out an optimistic yip, the fire type would begin to indulge himself in this friendly competition even more so than before.[break][break]

A bit of a competitive nature was natural in this setting, even if the main feeling resonating in the fairy type's heart was boundless fun. The track began to slowly rise once more, but unlike what had proceeded this obstacle, this one seemed to stretch even further- tugging on the reins with optimism and a strong grip, Desiree wished to take it slow and steady just like the previous, but longer. "Keep turning light, lovey dovey~! ♡ Keep your lil' eyes peeled for what will be coming next~! ♡" Her voice would echo throughout the surrounding chambers, directed at Beanbean. He was still on that Pacman treat game, imagining them all floating into his mouth with the tight grip of his trainer's legs feeling like a warm hug, galloping up the theoretical curvy mountains.[break][break]

The tunnel followed the increase in elevation, but the u-turns that resided further ahead made her wonder just how successfully the pair would score on the upcoming test of quick reflexes and the ability to steer. Bracing herself for a quick and sudden turn, pulling on the reins of the saddle with utter fierceness, Desiree was more than ready to face the suddenness of it all. Beanbean followed suit, wondering how many candies would end up in his big food bowl when they were finished if he nailed it with complete success, unhesitant. Hopefully, this would prove to push them into the leading spots, but the adrenaline would stay the same nevertheless as they would slide with quick force around the u-turn.[break][break]







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[newclass=".desikiss h2"]font:14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]
[newclass=".desikiss .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.2px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".desikiss .credit"]width:100px;background-color:#232323;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".desikiss .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]·
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2023 4:44:32 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh felt awful for Ace; Craggro was clearly not feeling well enough to race as of yet, the Hisuian Arcanine missing the landing strip on the very first lap and splashing sand everywhere around him. It wasn't the redhead's fault; perhaps he should have had one of his Pyroar racing with him instead? No sense in crying over spilled milk, though. The Hisuian Arcanine seemed content to take three laps around the course unofficially, as long as they didn't get in the way of the competitors. It would be good exercise for the overweight fire-type.

Josh had a more pressing matter to focus on, as well; he and Desiree were riding so close to one another that there was risk of their knees touching one another until the track opened up more widely. He guided Braver around the inside line, his rear scooting up the back of the Arcanine's saddle as they bounded uphill.

To those not familiar with the course, the next two turns would be rude by way of how sharp they were and them being half-blind. Knowing they were coming, the Gym Leader pulled back sharply with both his hands, his right more so. The pressure on Braver's halters would induce the Arcanine to put on the brakes, sparks flying from his claws as he leaned sharply into the turns. Even he let out a grunt, feeling like his right leg, then his left leg, were being squeezed from the momentum shift.


The two ARCANINE controlled by and remained uncomfortably close to one another down the narrow landing strip, only obtaining precious breathing room as the long, uphill right turn began. The Gym Leader's superior speed gave him an opening to leave the challenger in the dust and make a run at the CYCLIZAR and PYROAR controlled by ARAVAN ESCHER and ERON IUNIS.

The Gym Leader had the right idea to slam on the brakes, rounding the first U-turn with relative ease, though he gave up all the ground he had gained on the dragon and lion battling for the lead in front of him. When he saw he was running out of real estate on the switchback, he whipped the reins back to the other side, but it was too late; now both of his legs were being squeezed. His left so from the momentum of his ARCANINE turning, and his right from scraping the outside wall. may have seen the result of the miscalculation as she and her own ARCANINE passed Josh, thanks to their lower speed allowing for greater turning stability. The Gym Leader and his fire-type recovered, though they trailed the challenger by about half a second.


Prompt: The next Obstacle was the course's titular one: the course took the two through a brief underpass followed by a shallow, but long, uphill turn that would take the two in a complete circle. Furthermore, the course was split into two narrow lanes by a steep slope that was easy to slide down if a Pokémon ever drifted too wide. The top lane was by far the fastest one, but with it only being wide enough for three Pokémon, the rider and Pokémon would both need the strength to hold such a long turn and avoid taking the very slow outside line!

Target Number: 130 (Endurance)

Special: TP loss as a result of a Pokémon rolling beneath this Obstacle's Target Number is multiplied by 1.5, rounded up.

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✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
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TAG WITH @desiree
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2023 0:07:54 GMT

After having raced side-by-side with in the lowest of the ranks of the race, Desiree hit the turn with Arcanine with the flick of the reins, kicking up dust from Beanbean's fluffy toe beans as the two would begin their trek further upward the slope. As they had taken the turn slowly yet firmly, they were beginning to trail a bit behind the others; that was, until the Gym Leader began to hug the edge of the wall, leaving her the perfect opportunity to slip into third place. Letting out a delighted "Yes~! ♡", the pinkette and her fire-type would be off, only having the two in front of her to focus on in the near distance.[break][break]

But there was always the possibility for the race to switch, so Desiree wouldn't hold onto those comfortable thoughts of not being in last place just yet. It was just like those fancy rapidash races she'd go to when she was younger with her sisters to enjoy from the audience's perspective; one second the pretty pink Rapidash could jump from last to first, and then falter all the way back down to fifth in the span of minutes. She knew that in order to wind she'd need to be determined, not complacent; hugging the back of Beanbean's saddle as they would travel under the underpass, her golden eyes would glimmer in an attempt to see what resided in front of her on the track.[break][break]

Desiree would steer the reins of the saddle in an attempt to direct Beanbean into taking the top lane of the upcoming fork into track sections, though he was already on it; taking into account her previous commands of taking it easy on the turn, he would attempt to without direction. The fairy-type trainer would notice this and grin. She felt proud of how much he was growing in skill from this one interaction alone, even with all of the mountain-trekking experience he had on his belt.[break][break]

This obstacle was proving to stretch into a full circle moment, literally; holding onto his reins as the two would lean amidst their ride and run, Desiree would try her hardest to put the pedal to the metal by squeezing onto his sides to gain more stability. Pink hair fluttering behind her in the kicked-up wind, the two would continue on the circular design, sweat forming upon her palms as she'd hold on with all of her might. Boundless fun was on the racing track, Desiree and Beanbean both knew- but the Arcanine in specific was going all out, envisioning his future payment of treats.[break][break]







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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2023 0:56:56 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Craggro's barking getting louder as even the eliminated Hisuian Arcanine started to catch up to him added insult to injury for Josh, now trailing Desiree by a handful of lengths. The RaiCorp Vision technology on his racing visor showed him so far behind that arrows popped up above Rani and Jody, drawing his attention to just where the first and second place Pokémon were. Arcanine were notoriously challenging to control, and Desiree seemed to have a good grasp on it - while they were behind the leaders, the two truly rode as one.

The track's home stretch was full of long turns that would play to Braver's strengths. While the looping turn wasn't shallow by any stretch, it was shallow enough that Braver could run through it at full speed. With a gentle kick to his mount's sides and a firm pull that put a lot of pressure on the fire-type's left-side halter, the Gym Leader pursued the challenger, wanting to prove he was the superior rider while at the same time continuing to evaluate her skills. There was a reason challengers did not have to win the race to qualify for the Badge!


The prospect of having its sweet tooth fed propelled challenger ' ARCANINE to great speeds on the upper, narrow part of the titular SURFACE SLIDE. Both hers and 's transitioned from the upper lane to the center lane efficiently and safely, gaining time on ARAVAN ESCHER's CYCLIZAR as it wobbled some from sliding down to the inside slope at an awkward angle. ERON IUNIS steadied his PYROAR, leaning his body weight toward the inside to help keep the lioness balanced. The tactic proved successful, sure-footedness allowing the PYROAR to cut part of the corner by running part way up the slope. It was an advantage only the white-haired competitor had.

As the course flattened out and the starting arch rapidly approached, the race had tightened up. The two ARCANINE, taking advantage of their superior top speed, slowly gained on the CYCLIZAR and PYROAR in front of them. Though Leader and challenger were trailing for now, their true test of trust and fearlessness would begin as soon as the first lap was over. When the first of the five Pokémon crossed the starting line, a clip of an announcer's voice played over the Gym's loudspeakers:


"You Got Boost Power!"


You Got Boost Power! Speed-increasing moves, such as QUICK ATTACK, AGILITY, and EXTREME SPEED are now allowed. Pokémon will be able to use such speed-increasing moves a number of times up to their Endurance ranks (min. 1) for the rest of the race. Speed-increasing moves will grant you ADVANTAGE for the posting round, meaning you will [ roll ] four times instead of two for that post and ignore the lowest two rolls. For the second lap of the race, the Leader's rolls will be capped at 150, before modifiers are applied.

Beware! Taking tight turns and stamina-draining Obstacles at high speeds can result in dire consequences, and may impose DISADVANTAGE, meaning the lowest two of the four rolls will be taken. If the lowest two of the four rolls would still pass the Obstacle, Track Position for that Obstacle will be calculated based on the highest two of the four rolls.


Prompt: After the lap's opening jump is a long but narrow straightaway. While passing is possible, it can be dangerous; it is otherwise a great place for the fastest Pokémon on the track to let loose with everything they have.

Target Number: 0 (Speed)

Special: Pokémon that end the Obstacle within 25 TP of each other will lose 50 TP each from colliding with one another.

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✧ september 23 ✧
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✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
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TAG WITH @desiree
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2023 19:53:18 GMT

Feelings of sheer optimism fluttered throughout both Desiree and Beanbean's minds as they galloped across the upper fork in the track, and though that feeling was just as blissful as it was exhilarating due to their continuation in third, they knew that the Master of Faster had to be inching on their tail. This wasn't the time to feel comfortable, it was the time to be determined; and it couldn't be too difficult to shoot their way into the lead, right? As they could see the finish line in the distance, marking the start of the second lap, the Arcanine pictured a glimmering pink candy colossus awaiting him, prompting him to keep up with his speedy endeavors so the fellow Arcanine wouldn't even be able to take a bite of a crumb.[break][break]

The pinkette could see Josh out of the corner of her eye when they crossed the home stretch, effectively being pursued in the name of fire types and glorious determination- even if the stakes were quite high, as she was determined to leave this Gym with a sparkly badge in hand, she could not help but bask in the competitive nature of this fun environment. Flicking the reigns and reinforcing her grip even more, especially due to the announcement of the new ability to use boost power, the two would continue up the familiar curve and anticipate another dazzling jump off of the launching pad.[break][break]

Pink waves of hair fluttering in the bombardment of the wind granted by their quick movement, that ever so closely nostalgic appearance of a cowgirl jumping over a mountainous cataclysm, and beads of sweat flying off of her forehead met the demand to keep moving. As the two were approaching the long and narrow straightaway, Desiree knew this would be her chance to exhibit just how capable Beanbean was in the art of navigating both rough and packed terrain- the trees dotting the Kalosian mountains were effectively one and the same as the riders in front of the two, all needing to be swiftly yet navigated through in a calculated manner.[break][break]

"Beanbean, use your EXTREME SPEED, my heart~! Show them what we are capable of~! ♡" She'd be quick to exclaim loudly within the kicked-up dust of it all. The fire type would be quick to let out a bark that seemed synonymous with a roar; he was anything but underprepared to showcase his ability to kick it up a notch, and with that, his feet would kick against the track much quicker than before. Reinforcing her grip on the reins of the saddle and leaning slightly forward to combat the effective tension against the wind, Desiree would grin in delight, the two racing determined in all their speed and hopefulness!







[newclass=".desikiss"]--accent:#ff9ebe;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".desikiss .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.2px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".desikiss .credit"]width:100px;background-color:#232323;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".desikiss .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]···
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Sept 1, 2023 2:29:29 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Desiree remained ahead of the Leader for now. The back two laps, though, was where Josh put the pinkette's bond with her Arcanine to the true test. The giant dog took a lot of strength and grit to stay balanced on when running with the speed it was known for. He heard the challenger command her Arcanine to use Extreme Speed, the fire-type's legs disappearing into a blur from how rapid the running stroke got. Josh couldn't help but smirk. "I'll show you how to do that properly," he said to himself before giving the order for Braver to fire a burst of EXTREME SPEED of his own.

Josh's lower back slammed into the back of Braver's saddle, the tremendous momentum shift overcoming even his lower body strength. Bliss from the adrenaline rush crowded out all other emotions and feelings on the long but narrow straightaway, the Gym Leader going at the speed of a Raikou at full gallop. He enjoyed the Beast's presence every time he was with Hoenn's Top Champion. While it wasn't quite the same, Braver's fastest move was as close as he was going to get on demand; his Zeraora's Quick Attack was faster, yes, but it didn't last nearly as long. "Wheeeee-haaaaaaa!!!" he couldn't help but whoop, gently turning Braver in an effort to pass Desiree and make a run at the leaders.



Once the four Pokémon landed from the jump, and much later on, ACE SHEEKE's HISUIAN ARCANINE that was still unofficially participating, the fire-types' paws and the CYCLIZAR's squealing air sacs left scorch marks on the course. Heat radiated from the mane of the PYROAR controlled by ERON IUNIS, the speed trails of DOUBLE TEAM forming behind it. Though he at first had trouble controlling the CYCLIZAR mid-QUICK ATTACK, ARAVAN ESCHER was able to flawlessly guide his partner through the widening straightaway and up the gentle, uphill turn.

No Pokémon burned as hot as the EXTREME SPEEDING ARCANINE whose reins were held by Gym Leader and challenger . The giant dogs were streaks of orange and black as they shot forward at speeds even legendary Pokémon known for speed might have to put in effort to keep up with. Even the slight uphill turn may have felt like being yanked about, squeezed, and even wrung out due to the blistering speed they were putting on. Though they still trailed the CYCLIZAR, the race was really tightening up! As talented as the species was at excessive speed, the next part of the course would require them to slam on the brakes or risk a race-ending crash!


NOTE: This Obstacle has more than one Target Number. Please reference in your OOC notes which Target Number you are challenging.

Prompt: After a sharp right following a gentle ascent, the course featured a nearly as sharp, and much longer, left turn that would require a lot of strength or finesse to hold the entire time. The angle of the turn was at that awkward spot where a normal full-speed turn wouldn't be tight enough to avoid sliding along the outside line, yet a full-speed drifting turn would be too tight.

Target Number 1: 125 (Endurance)

Special: None

Target Number 2: 125 (Reaction)

Special: Boost does not impose disadvantage on this Obstacle. You must use a Boost move on this Obstacle to challenge this Target Number.

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✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
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TAG WITH @desiree
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Sept 6, 2023 20:10:43 GMT

It was to no surprise that Josh had activated his familiar Extreme Speed on the back of his Arcanine as well, and within that kicked up dust of the two and the glimmering blur of the movement and both of their determination, Desiree was far from giving up. Gracing the skies with a graceful yet adrenaline-filled leap of faith over the slope, the fairy-type trainer and her fluffy puppy felt as if they were one of the mythical beast riders in those legends and fictitious fantasy novels, holding onto their chariot-like saddle as they temporarily blasted through the skies. Preparing for impact, Beanbean's toe beans would slam against the track and they would be off once more, Desiree's grip on the reins and the side of the saddle tight and steady.[break][break]

Kicking up more clouds of terrain at the sharp right turn, the pinkette was able to see amidst the adjustment to her body distribution that not only had Josh passed her clean, but there was a bit of a conglomeration of racers accumulating up ahead. Boy, was holding onto the back of the Arcanine proving to be quite the workout; the fierce adrenaline was luckily able to numb the soreness, for now, but she knew just how big of a nap she'd have to take to recover after the confetti was launched at the end of the race! Even if she was now back at the end of the pack, the flicker of confidence in her competitive nature drove her to wish to succeed alongside her sweet baby even more- the want to play her cards right, and lucky for her, the feeling was mutual in Arcanine's mind marked by a joyous yip.[break][break]

The fluffy tufts upon Beanbean's legs and footsies would coast for a moment when the two would approach the awkward turn, marked by the tugging of the reins on Desiree's behalf. "Let's take this turn at a slower pace, Beanbean, then boost once we've made it in~! You've got this, my heart, let's show Josh how we Kalosians do this up in the jagged peaks~! ♡" She'd exhibit optimism and love in her words, but Arcanine was already wanting to take this at his own pace; he knew what it was like to try to pass a horde of fellow fire-types clumped together at a bend, and well, he didn't want to slam into anything![break][break]

Feeling the wind start to pick up again as Beanbean would use his AGILITY, Desiree would hold on with everything she had, egging him to go faster and faster once they had their opportunity to do so with her flicks of the reins! If the fire type was to hold his mouth open and imagine nomming the treats right now he figured he'd get a mouthful of dirt, so he'd instead imagine slurping them up through his nose like a sweet, yummy nasal spray. He was determined to get to those treats faster than the others, but damn was this race filled with determined and skilled minds- but he still had hope, just like his trainer![break][break]




- - SPEED 4 | ENDURANCE 2 | REACTION 2 ♡¸.•' | SECOND BOOST POWER ACTIVATED: AGILITY & Challenging 'Reaction' Target Number.



[newclass=".desikiss"]--accent:#ff9ebe;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2023 3:59:41 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The field had substantially tightened up; with Josh sandwiched between Aravan and Desiree, a collision with one of them felt inevitable as the back-and-forth turns came up. His worst fear was sliding into Desiree's Arcanine and sending them both flying along the outside wall, and the speeds the giant dogs could run at made the possibility of a crash all the more worrying. No amount of safety equipment could fully protect them from at least being badly shaken up, given the speeds the fire-types were clocking.

With traffic surrounding him on both sides, there was nowhere to move... that was, until he saw the start of a burst of Agility from the challenger's Pokémon. It was exactly the window he needed to get out of the traffic jam he was in. Josh pulled back on Braver's reins for a split second, the Arcanine barking ones before pumping the biological brakes. With a skid that strategically robbed the Gym Leader and mount of some speed, he leaned into the two U-turns as hard as his strength and balance would allow, keeping an eye on Aravan and Desiree just in front of him.


The double U-turn could be approached in a multitude of ways. The conservative route was an option much of the field chose, briefly reining his ARCANINE in to compensate for the species' notoriously poor turning. Pokémon stamina was a factor as well, ARAVAN ESCHER and ERON IUNIS choosing to keep a steady pace with their CYCLIZAR and PYROAR. Trusting in their surefootedness, or in the CYCLIZAR's case, the grip of its rubber-like air sacs, they slowly drifted toward the outside of the second turn, ultimately making it through unscathed.

took the most aggressive line possible, ordering her ARCANINE to fire a blast of AGILITY to keep pace with the Gym Leader. Embers flew from beneath her paws, letting her skid around the corners much like a power-sliding vehicle. The higher speed of 's ARCANINE proved to be a liability, the front feet of his steed becoming tangled in the back feet of the challenger's. With a skillful and sharp tug of the reins, she got away mostly unharmed, though losing quite a bit of ground on the leaders. The Gym Leader's leg and his ARCANINE's side scraped the outside wall as it curved counterclockwise, red stains appearing on its orange fur and on Josh's racing outfit. With grit befitting the Master of Faster, he and his Pokémon recovered fairly quickly, but there was now comfortable separation between the two super-fast dogs.


Prompt: Following the long, completely-circular left turn was another long, slightly tighter left turn split by the titular Surface Slide. Unlike the last, though, this one didn't have an upper lane or a lower lane. This had a flat central lane with a sloped inside and outside! Taking the inside line was a serious risk and could easily result in a Pokémon sliding down the outside slope and out of bounds if it was unable to recover from a slip!

Target Number: 130 (Reaction)

Special: If the Pokémon's total roll meets or exceeds the Target Number, TP will be calculated as though this is a Speed-based Obstacle. A Pokémon that misses the Target Number by 40 or more will instead be assessed a -150 TP penalty for landing OFF COURSE. Gym Trainers that land OFF COURSE are DISQUALIFIED instead.

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✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
740 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
beanbean the musical fruit [gym] ♡¸.•'
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 21:34:25 GMT

Freeing the neck and neck tension of the race with Beanbean's boost of agility, determined yet panting due to such indulgence in the need for speed, the racing duo of pink and flickering flames slipped past Josh with a firm gallop! Desiree could not help but smile as he faded out of her vision; sure, there were still the other two gym trainers ahead and fully within sight when the long left turn released into the rest of the track, but it felt satisfying. It felt ethereal to feel the winds kicking up against her face, kicking up her fluttering pink locks behind her as they'd wished to shoot farther- until the fluffy lion's feet would become somewhat entangled with Josh's Arcanine's behind her, which would cause a bit of a bumpy ride momentarily before the two would separate.[break][break]

"You're doing amazing, my fiery heart~! ♡ Keep it up Beanbean, you're earning so many yummy yum yums~!" She'd exclaim with delight, holding onto the reins proceeding a rapid flicker of them with all of her might. She hoped above all else that no other potential collisions would occur now that the race was heating up further; approaching the upcoming second left, which if she could recall would be just before the conclusion of the second lap, the fierce want to shoot through with unmatched speed and another boost was certainly there. But she would wait for the perfect opportunity to use up her last speedy shot, a strategic thought.[break][break]

Gripping onto the reins of the saddle and putting pressure on Beanbean's sides with her legs, attempting to hold on even tighter with all of her body, Desiree's gaze would rest on those in front of her. "Take the outer with ease, you've got this Beanbean ♡~!" Her words would echo through the fluttering kicked-up dust, prompting Arcanine to exhibit caution yet continue blasting toward the incoming obstacle, trusting the command and hitting the breaks ever so slightly![break][break]




- - SPEED 4 | ENDURANCE 2 | REACTION 2 ♡¸.•'



[newclass=".desikiss"]--accent:#ff9ebe;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".desikiss .credit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]·
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing